Time Flies.2 more days and it will be my third week of attachment at the Singapore Thai Chamber of Commerce(STCC). Appearing to me that I had only just arrived at my new life here yesterday.Perhaps that the reason why we age unknowingly since we are too forgetful to keep track of time. Hahaha =D
My job scope is very wide - designing the STCC Digital Yearbook 2006,doubling as the draft writer for the pre-published FTA(Free Trade Agreement)article and some pre-published messages of some of the director, moonlighting as a marketing executive that follows up on members' profile,lastly an IT help desk to my permanent staff colleagues here. Well it may seem hectic but it provides me with a lot of working experience on top of those puny and general IT knowledge that I know. Can be seen from how normal my blog looks right now! It will take time for it to improve Haha XD
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy so I went to enjoy myself last weekend at The Grand Palace of Thailand.Took quite a lot of pictures but chose the best few for posting only haha =)Next week will be posting the interior of the Grand Palace. Quite like the new digital camera that I bought the Lumix FX9. Take superb pictures even with shaky hands lol.